Tuesday, November 12, 2013

On: Deleuze and the Creation of Disciplines and Borders. (Previous Conference Paper: York University, April 2013)


It seems puzzling that at an interdisciplinary conference I would be speaking about the creation of disciplines and in a sense upholding borders between other academic fields. I will spend a large portion of this paper looking at the relationship between philosophy and science and the current state of contemporary thought. It is interesting that Deleuze himself posed similar questions at a conference like this. So are investigation together will lead us to ask and answer three important questions?


1) What is the creative act? 2) What is the creation of a Discipline? 3) Why would any academic discipline want to uphold a knowledge barrier or border? At the same time we could almost pose a fourth question 4) what does it mean to have an idea in philosophy or in science. What does it mean when we say “Hey I have Idea”? We all know that having an idea is a rare event; it is never just something general. But an idea and the individual are always-already dedicated to certain field or discipline. Ideas have to be treated like potentials already engaged in a specific mode of expression and at the same time they are also inseparable from that mode of expression.


Deleuze wanted to initially separate these two disciplines by setting up borders between them. Philosophy is the art of creating and fabricating concepts on a plane of immanence, while science forms functives on a plane of reference. In continental philosophy, we have seen mixtures such as phenomenology mixing with cognitive science, and philosophy gravitating towards a more mathematical and logical apparatus to balance the legitimating power of the discipline. The crossing over between philosophy and science is what causes the ambiguities between both fields and initially confuses their role in the world of knowledge. This mutates both the philosophical concept and the scientific functive. It takes away from the creative invention. It turns them into a ‘prospect,’ which is a proposition or a variable. It makes both fields concentrate on propositions and reduces the disciplines to mere opinion on variables and logic.


For Deleuze philosophy is always a creative and revolutionary act. At the same time it also is quite inventive.  Philosophy’s role as a discipline is to create concepts.  Concepts do not exist ready-made in some kind of platonic heaven waiting for the philosopher to come and grab them. Concepts have to be produced. There is a certain kind of necessity attached to the inventive act of creation in a discipline. According to Deleuze, if there isn’t this need, this necessity, this model of creation, then there is nothing.


The definitions of such academic disciplines that we are all well accustomed with today, are different to Deleuze, they deal with creation, invention and experimentation. To Deleuze, Philosophy like Cinema tells stories, different kinds of stories, stories that consist of the concept or of movement. Science tells a story as well with its inventive functions, which are a multiplicity of sets that interact with one another forming a kind of movement. Science also works in a similar fashion; the scientist invents a function in response to a problem or a concern. Yet, a Scientist has nothing to do with a concept, which is why we have philosophy. A function occurs in science when we have regulated responses that correspond between two sets, we can say that science deals with a multiplicity of sets. But how does the interaction of the concept or function occur in our world. It seems almost puzzling that disciplines are to be reduced to that act of either producing a function or a concept but why do we need this act of creation in all disciplines? Deleuze thought that the greatest problem of our contemporary world is that it is saturated by mass opinion. Information technologies, communications and the role of advertising, have taken over conceptual space, diluting words like concept, and creative. Thought has been replaced by a new framework, what he called the cogito of the marketplace, or a Conceptual Capitalism. The liberation from such saturation takes place in inventing, fabricating and forming new concepts or inventing and experimenting with functions. This is the great danger that we all face today; the fact that knowledge or information is everywhere. Deleuze states, that all around us is an unfurling mass of chaos and doxa. Think of today in your daily routines how much information has overloaded your mind, points of views, topics, opinions, outlooks, and beliefs that all of us have come across.


Opinion/Chaos is best described, not as a disorder, but as a constant pressure in all directions. Communication and Information act as a transmission and a propagation of information. But what is information, we all know what information is, for we see it, and hear it every day; it is a set of slogans, directions, imperatives or an order-word. When we are informed we are told what to believe, in other words, informing means circulating an order-word. Information is communicated to us at every second, we are told what we are supposed to believe; and sometimes it is not that simple sometimes, we are told just to pretend that we believe. In a sense, the order-word or the saturation of information is an attempt to create information of control, or a controlled system of order-words used in a given society. These are what Foucault would call, Societies of Control.  But the weapons against such a control are the creation of disciplines, or the creative act in Philosophy and Science that work to counter-information. A concept in philosophy or a function in science creates an act of resistance.  Deleuze and Guattari’s book what is philosophy, was written from this view, that both Philosophy and science struggle against opinion,  and common belief, they are to be seen as disciplines of creativity, in a sense, a philosophy of nature, or a science of being.


The troubling characteristic that we all face today is the question of certainty. We all want the truth, or something like the truth. And as societies grow and our thirst for   the truth increases we start to see disciplines based on their accountability for the truth. We create hierarchies contingent upon what we think will give us the best results not realizing that the thought of thinking, what we need the most, is an order-word, or an attempt to situate all disciplines in a hegemonic order. In this case, we have all witnessed the scientizing of the university; and of all its disciplines.


Deleuze in an interview in 1988 stated we have to watch the university very closely for we will quickly move into a time where academic funding will be dominated by the sciences, and not inventive, creative science, but a scientizing of all academic fields, where the race for knowledge will no longer be centred around the necessity to solve problems, but the necessity to acquire funding only to participate in a limited form of discourse policed by the sciences.  


A. J. Ayer sought to demolish metaphysics only to replace it with a new role for philosophy to be the hand maiden of the sciences. To make all other disciplines ancillary to science. To situate philosophy as a truth mechanism but not of capital T truth, for only the sciences’ can determine the truth, this kind of truth is based on the validity of a proposition, we can think of the many examples, S knows P, or the cat is on the mat, What this does, is turn everything into an axiomatic system. We reduce the creative act by accepting the model of variables’ and propositions. This is the danger, reducing thought to mere opinion.


What we need to investigate now is why in academic circles we have replaced the role of the creative with a reductive axiomatic model. Why we are allowing this reductionism to occur?  To understand this model we need to look further into Deleuzian metaphysics, multiplicities, events and concepts. This is a highly sophisticated system so I will break it down so that we can identify the necessary steps and processes and where we seem to be going wrong.


Deleuze has a unique formation of thought that is linked to actual situations and states of affairs. In this model there are three ontological registers are 1) The actual 2) Intensities and 3) Virtuality.  The actual represents the state of affairs or a situation, Deleuze would call this axiomatic because they deal with extensive multiplicities or sets, in other words individuals, objects etc. Now intensities are the movement from the state of affairs or (the actual) into what Deleuze calls Problematics (The virtual). The virtual or the plane of immanence represents a place where problematic are solved in concepts. Problematics, we can say is like problem-solving and this happens in the mind. We can say in a sense that both Philosophy and Science need these ontological registers to create or invent and experiment. By getting rid of the Virtual apparatus we reduce all thought to the actual or the axiomatic method. We lose the creative, or the aspect of problem solving. This is where the concept mutates into what Deleuze would call a prospect and since according to Deleuze the axiomatic logical model is inherently induced by reduction we need to create a new model to replace the virtual specificity of thought. The proposition takes the place of the creative act making all academic fields in a sense enslaved to a non-conceptual reference.  It makes the concept a concept-extension where the concepts objects are no longer the becoming in thought or connections and solving problems, but are elements of sets. This completely negates the existence of philosophy. It is science through its own plane of reference (Virtuality) that creates functions in order to battle the chaos or opinion; it is supposed to extract tiny bits of the chaos in order to evaluate that chaos, thus creating an invention or experimentation, that works for life, that helps create functions, yet with philosophy being obsolete in this model, science takes on more roles, thus vindicating its right to be the absolute body of knowledge. In this model, Science become a major royal science. Leaving the humanities and social sciences deemed as either part of the ‘soft sciences’ or given a new name ‘the arts,’ or what Deleuze calls a minor science.


What has happened metaphysically speaking is that an entire ontological register has been negated; the virtual pole or problematics have been completely ignored. You need both multiplicities in a Deleuzian model, both actual/axiomatic and virtual\problematic with the intensive running between them for a connection, a becoming; and answer to a problem, a creative act, what Deleuze calls, pure difference or differential multiplicity. Axiomatics possess the will to deliberately stop problematics. Deleuze points out that in problematics or the virtual all becoming happen there. This makes Problematics equal with a level of discovery; and axiomatics equal, a level of demonstration. when the creative is negated from a field, it is left as an empty multiplicity; and science demands a demonstrable axiomatic, from all academics fields, when they cannot comply, because, essentially they are a method of discovery and their method of expressivity has been annulled, they are seen as inferior. As I stated earlier Science creates its function on a plane of reference, the function it creates, is an answer to a problems that arises which it tries to rectify, yet it can no longer be achieved for a step is missing, the problematic or the virtual. Thus science looks for new ways of entangling itself in all disciplines, demanding the proliferation of its entirety in all academic fields. It demands rigor, axioms, theorems, co-ordinates, propositions and demonstrations



This negation makes room for the creation of pop philosophy and pop science which are generated by the proposition, as it gradually mutates back into a form of chaos or opinion.  It is science; and science alone that operates within itself, and philosophy with little or no role, the people demand knowledge and they demand an outside an exteriority, that they can access. Thus they posit chaos and pose a false problem which situates opinion against opinion, individual against individual, taking up conceptual space as rhetoric and propaganda. Thus information and communication take on the role that creation played by levelling down forms of knowledge and disseminating vast amounts of opinion that cut across both fields, inventing such things as ‘pop philosophy’ or ‘pop science.’ This affects both the sciences and philosophy and turns them into, as Deleuze states, a field of marketing that absorbs their meanings and negates their active and creative function in the world, and makes them a cliché.  Since, it is opinion and the axiom that has replaced philosophy, the public demand an ordered set of opinions, generating a consensus. Thus, the role of journalism is heightened to degree where the media can generate and regulate the mass production of opinion. They like science, have a new axiom, what they call facts or as I mentioned earlier the order-word. 


When academic fields are forced to mix together or when philosophy is told that it needs science to validate it, when the proposition or prospects enter into the equation, this mutation invokes transcendence. We arrest the movement and the creative apparatus of the function in science and the concept in philosophy. When philosophy is demanded to be stretched past it limits, and when science negates its virtual problematic, it becomes an empty demonstration without a level of discovery.

In conclusion Creation is a necessary aspect in the origins of constructing concepts, and inventing functions. The Concept and the function are an area in a virtual plane adding new spatial-thought, new dimensions. Disciplines are the pursuit and exploration of such spatial thought, to construct a becoming in thought, which answers the call of a problem. The creative act fills in the necessary space; the space is the combination of parts, composites, and amalgams of the concept, or they can be seen as a multiplicity of sets in the function. New concepts and  inventive functions need to be brought into existence at all times, constructing a space, going from one point to another gaining their power from being repeated and rectified. They need to link up with one another building the bridge of becoming in thought, forming a problematic, and a creating a centre that makes the academic fields work for life, thus the construction of the concept or the invention of a function, replaces the chaotic communication of opinion; and information dominated by the order word, is replaced by the expressions in philosophy and science. Thus the active borders between disciplines work as an abstract freedom that enables all academic fields the space and autonomy they need to create. The over-all mission of the creative act and the creation of disciplines is that they work together as counter-information, they are acts of resistance against opinion, they are the becoming of thought and Deleuze’s message to all of us is a manifesto to create

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